Monday, January 14, 2019

A small act of kindness can change the world

Read still the end. This article is touching and would educate you. Poverty poverty poverty,
One of my greatest fear,
that's part of waking up and having nothing to eat drink and wear. It is one of the greatest disease in the world today you would never appreciate what you have to you go out and observe, people say always be grateful but the point is are we ever grateful? Always nagging,singing but when the thought that people drink the dirtiest of water,eat the most unhygienic of food,wear the most worn out of clothes .They hustle with their heart crying for help.It is amazing the number of talented productive people they are in the world today. It is also surprising that the poor are one of the most brilliant.
It is appalling that most of them are turned to slaves,go into prostitution or even used for hard labour .All because of lack of funds, yet the rich still flaunt the solution to people's problem( money )like a piece of paper. Uncountable people die day by day due to poverty.
It is very sad,that this happens everyday. Some of them leave their hometowns ,their countries just to feed and take care of themselves and their suffering family .The poor also deserve happiness, they deserve a chance to life ,they deserve a reward,they deserve all the good things of life. All talk but no action,people say can poverty be eradicated? Well it can be reduced .An act of kindness can change the world,you don't have to have a world to help people .A cup of clean water would do, a plate of food would be nice. Give them clothes, try to help.  Be nice and give advice to them.Employ everyone to try their best to reduce poverty.

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