Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Her life is like her face,
Beautiful from afar but rough from a close view,
She has weeped and weeped,
She has lost total hope,
Because of her one mistake
They judged her through out her life,
Because of her one mistake,
She never found joy,
Because she was so kind,
They treated her like a fool,
Because she was young,
She was abused,
And because she was lost,
She couldn't speak or trust,
LESSON; the mistake we consider the smallest may be the reason why people are depressed today.
                               -Fathia Nasiru
Many people in the world aren't happy for one reason or the other. I would find it more than lovely and wonderful to help. Please you can email,call or DM me anytime. Don't give up. The world NEEDS YOU. The same goes to guys too, you also deserve happiness.
#mood#secrets by Fathia Nasiru
Above is the link to SECRETS by Fathia Nasiru. Get your copy now.

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