Monday, January 28, 2019

Guess what!

As January is gradually coming to an end. I will like to say "Happy New Month In Advance" To All My Followers.
   February will be lit as I have wonderful plans that is going to be breath taking. So watch this space.💥

No fake love🌸

Don't trust anyone,
Don't be a lover of sweet words but love actions,
Because if they can say LOL without even laughing,
They can say "I love you" without loving.
               -FATHIA NASIRU

All in one🌸☘️

Don't be stupid,
To love someone who doesn't,
Love is beautiful,
But only with the right person,
Don't be foolish,
And be the one to love more,
Cause if you do,
Life is like a paper,
You can make something creative out of it or you can simply just make it useless by throwing it away.
Life is life a coin,
It's flips when you turn it,
You choose what you want,
A head or a tail,
And see if it works in your favour.
Life is like a car,
You can decide to keep in static or,
Keep it moving.
                             -FATHIA NASIRU ❣️

Monday, January 21, 2019

Secrets to a smooth and peaceful life❣️

Secrets to a smooth,sweet and amazing life.
This life may be so fun but  boring and exhausting at times. My secret to living a peaceful yet interesting life is;
Preserve your soul,
Be low key,
Stay private,
Do whatever makes you happy regardless of what people think,
Set boundaries,
Talk to God,
Forgive others,
Guard your heart.
    Secrets by Fathia Nasiru

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Rihanna sues own father for doing business with their last name Fenty as as a brand name to launch a business for himself.
  Rihanna claims her father recently started a talent development company in 2017 called Fenty Entertainment and he is profiting off the reputation she has created with "Fenty".
   Rihanna has also trademarked"Fenty" in a number of business ventures including her well-known "fenty beauty line". she says her father and his business partner falsely advertised themselves as her representatives to solicit millions of dollars.
   They also tried to book her for shows in latin America in December 2017 for 15 million dollars...all without her authorisation.
   Rihanna's father  (ronald) has also been reached out for comments. So far,no word back.


Because they said you can't do it,
Doesn't make it true,
Because they called you weak,
Doesn't still make it true,
You are who you are,
No one will change that,
You are a star,
Believe it.
                -Fathia nasiru

Could This Be The End Of R Kelly's Music Journey?

For Twenty (20) years the  ignition (remix) singer has faced numerous accusations of sexual misconduct.With many of the stories alleging he preyed on teenage girls.
  But the singer denies any wrongdoings. R Kelly's hits are still played across the world and he is considered one of the biggest stars in R&B.
  Despite this artistes(singers)have things to say about him.
  JOHN LEGEND described him as a "serial abuser".
 LADY GAGA apologized for working with him.
 NEYO- there is" no excuse not to mute" R Kelly.
    Even his daughter called him a MONSTER.
  It has gone so big across news networks and social feeds. It also seems like there's a bigger reaction within the music community Which could have an impact.
How do you feel about this matter?

Monday, January 14, 2019

A small act of kindness can change the world

Read still the end. This article is touching and would educate you. Poverty poverty poverty,
One of my greatest fear,
that's part of waking up and having nothing to eat drink and wear. It is one of the greatest disease in the world today you would never appreciate what you have to you go out and observe, people say always be grateful but the point is are we ever grateful? Always nagging,singing but when the thought that people drink the dirtiest of water,eat the most unhygienic of food,wear the most worn out of clothes .They hustle with their heart crying for help.It is amazing the number of talented productive people they are in the world today. It is also surprising that the poor are one of the most brilliant.
It is appalling that most of them are turned to slaves,go into prostitution or even used for hard labour .All because of lack of funds, yet the rich still flaunt the solution to people's problem( money )like a piece of paper. Uncountable people die day by day due to poverty.
It is very sad,that this happens everyday. Some of them leave their hometowns ,their countries just to feed and take care of themselves and their suffering family .The poor also deserve happiness, they deserve a chance to life ,they deserve a reward,they deserve all the good things of life. All talk but no action,people say can poverty be eradicated? Well it can be reduced .An act of kindness can change the world,you don't have to have a world to help people .A cup of clean water would do, a plate of food would be nice. Give them clothes, try to help.  Be nice and give advice to them.Employ everyone to try their best to reduce poverty.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

SECRETS by Fathia Nasiru is still on sell. Get your copy. It's very interesting and captivating,don't take my words for it. Get a copy. It's available on Amazon. Click on the link below to get it.
Who is your favourite footballer and why? Drop your comments, let's know ☺️

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Her life is like her face,
Beautiful from afar but rough from a close view,
She has weeped and weeped,
She has lost total hope,
Because of her one mistake
They judged her through out her life,
Because of her one mistake,
She never found joy,
Because she was so kind,
They treated her like a fool,
Because she was young,
She was abused,
And because she was lost,
She couldn't speak or trust,
LESSON; the mistake we consider the smallest may be the reason why people are depressed today.
                               -Fathia Nasiru
Many people in the world aren't happy for one reason or the other. I would find it more than lovely and wonderful to help. Please you can email,call or DM me anytime. Don't give up. The world NEEDS YOU. The same goes to guys too, you also deserve happiness.
#mood#secrets by Fathia Nasiru
Above is the link to SECRETS by Fathia Nasiru. Get your copy now.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Have you gotten Secrets by Fathia Nasiru? If you have not,the link is below
If you have,drop comments.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Summary of SECRETS by Fathia Nasiru

Suspense, thriller,pain comes to play when a girl thinks she knows everything little deos she know that she knows nothing.
   The link to SECRETS by Fathia Nasiru is above. Get a copy now.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

They say love is hard to find,
I cried and cried for love,
Until I discovered the love I was searching for was right under my roof,
You would never know one that loves you until everyone looks down on you
Now I truly appreciate what God has given me.
   Love you family ❣️
                                   -Fathia Nasiru
See one of the reviews of the book. Get your copy of the book through this link below
Buy on your laptops,tablets,iPads,and Kindle devices ZZ

Secrets by fathia nasiru

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Secrets by fathia nasiru(me) is a captivating, lovely and a must read for everyone.